Friday, February 6, 2009

Lil Wayne’s response to going by just Wayne vs. DeWayne
I dropped the D because I’m a Jr. and my father is living but he’s not in my life….And he’s never been in my life. So I DON’T want to be DeWayne. I’d rather be Wayne…
Katie: Does he know that
Wayne: He knows now…
Lil Wayne’s response to whether he should ease up on the weed
“I’m a rapper. That’s who I am Ms. Katie. And I am a gangsta. And I do what I want. And I love to smoke…
Lil Wayne’s response to being a role model
“I’m not an example how to live your life. If you need an example for how to live, you shouldn’t have been born.”
Katie also got gansta and asked Wayne about his addiction to Syrup. He claimed that the syrup made his stomach hurt really bad and that he’s not addicted to it anymore. When asked about the weed he says “I will stand up for Marijuana any day. I have migraines that make me want to just kill myself “. Is that what the doctors are prescribing now???
Surprisingly Lil Wayne came off as very intriguing in this interview, although some would beg to differ. Is it me or did Katie want a piece of that La la la la lollipop!

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